“It won’t make a difference on a galloping horse.”

This is a saying I picked up from the ladies that I sew with. One morning after finishing a technique class on learning how to match stripes and do mitered corners I took my sample to show the ladies. Knowing that all these ladies were seasoned seamstresses I figured it would be easier to point out the flaws rather than hear them tell me.

Before I showed them I told them the flaws – one of my corners had a small hole because I didn’t meet my stitching lines and on the other corner my stripes were off by about 1/16th-inch. After stating my claim to imperfection I held it up for them to see. Much to my surprise they gave me a grade of “A+”. (I thought it would be a low “B”.) Then they preceded to tell me that once I quilted it, it would all work out, and if it still wasn’t perfect, “Well, it won’t make a difference on a galloping horse!”

This saying really tickles me. It isn’t an excuse for mediocrity, but an allowance you give yourself when you’ve done our best and can live with it. (Because no one gives your work as critical of an eye as you do!)

So this blog is going to be a record of my sewing adventures and misadventures, not to mention the same about other daily activities thrown in the mix. I hope it inspires you to go into your life and do whatever it is you are passionate about! Not everything you do will be successful, but it won’t all be a complete failure either. (Besides, no one will notice on a galloping horse.) *winks*
